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Daryl Verville

Published Author & Accomplished Pianist


 I am a multi-generational survivor of the infamous and scandalous residential school system here in Canada. The trauma and challenges of growing up with a father who had been subjected to sexual and physical abuse for most of his childhood, beginning at age four, in that school system is articulated in my new book, Epistles to the Pope – A Personal History of Perilous Priestcraft....more

Epistles to the Pope

September 2020

Daryl’s life moves at a breakneck speed, which is why I couldn’t put his memoir down. The author travels through life in a mind-bending swirl of beliefs, barely coming up for air. But when he does, it’s always a surprise, sometimes a shock, such as when he enters a life of drug dealing, crime, alcoholism, and drug addiction in his late twenties. What’s next, I asked myself, as I read on late into the night....more

Constance Brissenden of The Ormsby Review


©2020 by Daryl Verville.

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